Introduction to Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency is a type of virtual currency, and it is designed to let you store, send and receive value like regular money, but without the need of using banks and credit card companies. Until crypto was introduced, you needed banks,...
What is a start-up company? A start-up company is a young company founded by one or more entrepreneurs to develop a product or service, unique or not, and bring it to market. By its nature, the typical start-up tends to be a shoestring operation, with initial funding...
All About Real Estate We all know what real estate is all about. It’s about land, buildings, houses, offices, shops, warehouses and so on. Real estate is a very powerful way to invest as it is one of the few businesses you can extensively use other...
What is financial freedom? To put it in simple words, financial freedom is when your assets pay for your lifestyle. And what does this mean ? It means that by making investments and creating several income streams for yourself, money does the work for you. This is the...
The Access Club is fundamentally an experiential club. The best type of investments are done through observation. “An over the shoulder concept”. Members will be taught step by step along the way, what to do and what not to do, why such opportunities have been...